When this feature is configured on Cisco routers and bridges, the user connects to the device and is prompted for the "line vty" password without having to provide a user ID. How can CA PAM manage this credential?
Release : 3.1.1
This request is about Credential Management rather than Device Access through PAM. Please refer to http://router.over-blog.com/article-how-to-configure-cisco-router-password-106850439.html which discusses how the line vty password is changed by logging in as a user, and then running the following commands:
======================= ===========================
Router#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)#password cisco
============================ =======================
This is not possible Out-Of-Box but should be possible with a custom script. E.g. one could add a check on the target account name, and a convention for the Target Account Name would have to instated as say "vty-X-Y." When the script sees an account name starting with "vty-", it can go execute the above sequence of commands.
Such a script could have to customized and Broadcom Services team should be able to help.