Fail to generate Jasper report with 1000+ users
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Fail to generate Jasper report with 1000+ users


Article ID: 138528


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Customer is unable to generate report with 1000+ users on Jasper


Release : 14.1

Component : GovernanceMinder(Role & Compliance Manager)


 Oracle database has where clause condition limitation to 1000


To select reviewer more than 1000, follow the below steps.
a. Currently the reviewers field is mandatory to select. So, make the field as not mandatory from Jasper.
1. Login Jasper as superuser.
2. Go to View-> Repository, Under IG Organization--> IG--> Inputs Controls --> Common. Select the one with key $R{pValuesforReviewerUserName_KEY} and click "Edit" at the top of the screen.
3. In the new page, uncheck the "Mandatory" checkbox and save.
b. Go to IG UI and Open the Certification report.
c. If you want to retrieve all the Reviewers data, Don't select any reviewer in the Reviewer field. By default, Jasper assumes that all selected.