Clarity PPM: Gantt Chart Will Not Display: Unique Constraint error on TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL
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Clarity PPM: Gantt Chart Will Not Display: Unique Constraint error on TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL


Article ID: 138301


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


One or more of the following symptoms occur.

1. A project contains tasks and they are visible in the Task tab.

2. The Gantt chart will not render/display any tasks.

3. The Save Changes and Discard Changes buttons may be both enabled, which indicates that there are pending changes.  However, clicking either button has no impact.  Changes are not saved nor discarded.

-When expanding the filter box and clicking Show All, it returns the following error:

Error message: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00001: unique constraint (ENVIRONMENT.TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL_PK) violated 

Executed: insert into TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL( taskid, projectid, wbssequence, wbslevel, origwbslevel,origwbssequence, par_seq, nnb_seq, origpartask, orignnbtask ) ( SELECT task.prid, task.prprojectid, task.prwbssequence, task.prwbslevel, task.prwbslevel, task.prwbssequence, task.wbs_parseq, task.wbs_nnbseq , PARENTTASK.PRID, NNBTASK.PRID FROM PRTASK TASK LEFT OUTER JOIN PRTASK PARENTTASK ON PARENTTASK.PRWBSSEQUENCE = TASK.WBS_PARSEQ AND PARENTTASK.PRPROJECTID = TASK.PRPROJECTID LEFT OUTER JOIN PRTASK NNBTASK ON NNBTASK.PRWBSSEQUENCE = TASK.WBS_NNBSEQ AND NNBTASK.PRPROJECTID = TASK.PRPROJECTID WHERE TASK.PRPROJECTID = ? ) Derived from statement: insert into @temporary@( taskid, projectid, wbssequence, wbslevel, origwbslevel,origwbssequence, par_seq, nnb_seq, origpartask, orignnbtask ) ( SELECT task.prid, task.prprojectid, task.prwbssequence, task.prwbslevel, task.prwbslevel, task.prwbssequence, task.wbs_parseq, task.wbs_nnbseq , PARENTTASK.PRID, NNBTASK.PRID FROM PRTASK TASK LEFT OUTER JOIN PRTASK PARENTTASK ON PARENTTASK.PRWBSSEQUENCE = TASK.WBS_PARSEQ AND PARENTTASK.PRPROJECTID = TASK.PRPROJECTID LEFT OUTER JOIN PRTASK NNBTASK ON NNBTASK.PRWBSSEQUENCE = TASK.WBS_NNBSEQ AND NNBTASK.PRPROJECTID = TASK.PRPROJECTID WHERE TASK.PRPROJECTID = ? ) 

Referenced by: Using input: {@temporary@=TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL, projectId=5016052} Using dynamic SQL: tag: @temporary@ SQL:TEMP_WBS_GLOBAL

In Microsoft Edge browser, after a refresh, the unique constraint error is displayed in a pop-up


Clarity PPM Project Management
Release: All Supported Releases


This is due to one or more duplicate PRWBSSEQUENCE values in the project.


Solution Option 1:
Delete one of the tasks that has the duplicate PRWBSSEQUENCE, then recreate it. This will recreate the prwbsequence.
  1. Identify the problem tasks via below queries:
      • SaaS/On Demand customers, please contact Broadcom support for assistance with this option
      • Note: 5xxxxxx is the internal ID of the project. This ID can be found in the Clarity URL when you are in the project.

Query 1:

count(1) as HOWMANY
from PRTASK tsk
where tsk.prprojectid = 5xxxxxx
group by tsk.PRWBSSEQUENCE
having count(1) > 1

Query 2:

If the query returns results, run the following query to obtain the impacted tasks.

select * from PRTASK tsk
where tsk.prprojectid = 5xxxxxx
and tsk.PRWBSSEQUENCE = <Insert sequence ID based on query 1>

    2. Go to the Tasks tab and filter for the task
    3. Take a screen shot of the task details to use for recreating the task
    4. Delete the task
    5. Recreate the task

Solution Option 2: Export the project to OWB or MSP and save back

Solution Option 3: XOG out and XOG back in the project