The Hserver process might shut down when it is reaching its limit of memory.
An entry like the following will be seen in the Hserver log file:
-- HServer Disconnected from the Data Source
HServer | 20190919 14:02:12 | is shutting down <Memory threshold reached> ****
CA Harvest SCM all versions and platforms.
The process is hitting the memory limit for HServer
The default threshold value is 128 MB.
Reconfigure the memorylimit parameter in Hserver.arg file to a higher value from the currently configured value.
Here is the docops link for more details.
Configure the Broker and Server Communication on Windows
Monitors the memory allocated and shut down (exit) when the -memorylimit level is reached. If the number of server processes falls below the minimum number defined in the hbroker.arg file, a new server process is started.