Repetitive apparently false alarms from HC - CHECK(CA_SPOOL,SPOOL_CKPT_ACT@ESF)
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Repetitive apparently false alarms from HC - CHECK(CA_SPOOL,SPOOL_CKPT_ACT@ESF)


Article ID: 138263


Updated On: 10-06-2023




After upgrading of CA Spool from version 12.00 to 14.00 we start receiving alarms from CA Health Check SPOOL_CKPT_ACT@ESF

There seems to be nothing wrong with CA Spool performance but these alerts keep coming from all systems where CA Spool is running (no matter CKPT customization)

We have CA Spool (ESF) task running on the following systems with CKPT definitions

SYSA - in sysplex with 2 other systems, ESF task is running only on SYSA LPAR with  CKPT dataset on disk 

SYSB,SYSC - development sysplex, 2 ESF tasks running, one on each system, sharing spool, CKPT dataset on disk

SYSD,SYSE - test sysplex, ESF task running on each LPAR, ESFs are sharing spool dataset, CKPT defined in Coupling Facility


We are getting HC alerts from all these systems despite different CKPT configurations which don't make sense

There is not much else to investigate, we have not seen any performance problem with the Spool task on any of these systems





Release : 14.0

Component : CA Spool


Default WARNTIM=1000 and MAXDORM=1000 could explain the HC alerts. 

 From time to time the health check is performed, before the Spool system has regained access to the checkpoint dataset. 

 Try setting default MAXDORM=200 (2 seconds) OR try WARNTIM=2000 (20 seconds).