Need clarifications regarding the product usage
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Need clarifications regarding the product usage


Article ID: 138075


Updated On: 10-03-2019


Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Regarding the below products - do all of product belongs to one products "CA Endevor® Software Change Manager" and do they each need their own license? 

CA Endevor® Software Change Manager Automated Configuration
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager External Security Interface
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager Parallel Development
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager for Mainframe Extended Processors
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager Quick Edit


Release : 18.0

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


CA Endevor® Software Change Manager is the Main/Base Product. 

 The list below are components of Endevor: 

 CA Endevor® Software Change Manager Automated Configuration 
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager External Security Interface 
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager Parallel Development 
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager for Mainframe Extended Processors 
CA Endevor® Software Change Manager Quick Edit 

 Each of the above would have its own LMP Key/License  as well.