How to find calculations for a Metric on a device/component
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How to find calculations for a Metric on a device/component


Article ID: 138072


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


How to find calulations for a Metric on a device/component


Release : 22.2,23.3


You can find the calculations used for a metric in the Data Aggregator Vendor Certification pages


1) Navigate to the Data Aggregator Device Admin page for an example device by either:


   a) Load the context page for the device, click the gear on any view and select Device Admin


   b) In the DX Netops Portal navigate to Administration->Data Sources->Data Aggregator

      Under Monitored Inventory, select Monitored Devices

      Locate the device using the Tree View or Search


2) Select the device if using method b, (You are already at the device with method a)


3) Click the Polled Metric Families tab


4) Find the Metric Family row and you will see the corresponding Vendor Certification.


5) Click the Vendor Certification name to see the calculations.

There may be additional variables/calculations in the Vendor Certification. 


To see the XML of the Vendor Certification:


1) Expose the internal name of the Vendor Certification:


2) Use the internal name to access the Vendor Certification (VC) XML as follows on the Data Aggregator:




Use https if your Data Aggregator is congigured to use https and the corresponding port if different.


For example, the internal name of the High Speed Interface VC is "IfXTableMib"


So to get the XML use:

