Multiple versions of PDT parameter member in hlq.CDBAPARM for Detector
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Multiple versions of PDT parameter member in hlq.CDBAPARM for Detector


Article ID: 138003


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


Looking to modify Detector for Db2 for z/OS (PDT) USECOLLTASKS parameter in the PDT member in hlq.CDABPARM library but want to do it one system at a time.
However there is only one PDT member. Can we suffix the member and point to it via the PTISYSxx member like the SETUPxx parm? So we could have PDT01, PDT02 etc?
Or will we have to add a LPAR-specific library to the concatenation in PTIPARM containing a PDT member for that LPAR which will override values in the supplied
PDT member in hlq.CDBAPARM library?


The PDT member cannot be defined with a suffix as SETUPxx, DSNAMExx or PLANSxx members in hlq.CDBAPARM library.
You have to add a LPAR-specific library to the concatenation in PTIPARM DD containing a PDT member for that LPAR which will
override values in the supplied PDT member in hlq.CDBAPARM library.