When trying to enable exit TSSPGM01 under one test CICS region, it is not working. The Top Secret manual instructions were followed by defining the exit to CICS. There does not seem to be any other steps to enable it. With a test, the exit is not called. The Top Secret message appears on the screen but the exit is not intercepting the message as desired. What additional steps are required to enable it, apart from defining it to CICS?
Release : 16.0
Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS
CICS: v5.3
z/OS: 2.2
Make sure that the CICS region was recycled. The first time Top Secret is invoked it will issue the following:
If the call is successful then we set a flag to call TSSPGM01. If not defined then Top Secret sets a flag to not call TSSPGM01. At the next recycle of CICS Top Secret will again issue EXEC CICS INQUIRE PROGRAM(TSSPMG01) and set the flag accordingly. If TSSPGM01 is enabled, the following message is written at the startup of CICS:
DFHPG0101 date time applid userid CSSY Resource definition for TSSPGM01 has been added.
Documentation for setting up TSSPGM01 can be found in section "CA Top Secret CICS Exits".