View - How Can a Sysout be Kept on Disk for a Longer Time?
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View - How Can a Sysout be Kept on Disk for a Longer Time?


Article ID: 137830


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The client would like to have a report be available on disk longer, so as to not need to submit a SARBCH /LOAD job, to load the report to the database disk layer. How can a sysout be kept for a long time on the disk layer?


The only way to keep a particular report always on disk, versus the regular usually longer on tape, is with using the View ERO (Expanded Retention Option). 

Here is what would show ERO to be in use:

 . A //SARPATAB DD statement in the related SARSTC task. 
 . A SARINIT setting of EROOPT=YES. 

In using ERO, there would be need for a long DRETPD value to be assigned to the report.
If ERO is not used, then the SARINIT parameters NGEND and NGENT will be in use. 

To keep a report such that it can be accessed without first having to load it to the database disk layer, it should be considered to use View's Expanded Access Service (EAS) which will read a report straight from tape, eliminating the need to do a SARBCH /LOAD to browse it.