We applied 66 PTF's to our CTS 5.4 lab environment yesterday. We are now having an issue with the DADSBIF interface. We believe it is due to PTF64026. This PTF changed options table DFHXCOPT so that option SURROGCHK is always YES.
Our DFHXCOPT has SURROGCHK set to NO. The DADS Plus batch interface uses EXCI feature.
The hold data for the PTF says there is a usermod available from IBM to change SURROGCHK back to NO. We’d prefer to not have a ‘permanent’ usermod on our system.
Before applying PTF UI64026 to our CICS/TS V5.4 environment ,option SURROGCHK for DFHXCOPT was set to NO. The PTF makes this option always YES.
This doesn't appear to be affecting our CICS regions as we don't have any applications that use EXCI. However, vendor product DADS Plus uses EXCI for its batch interface (DADSBIF). Now getting the following abend when executing the DADS batch interface-
DADEX001 RESP=0088, RESP2=0623, ABCODE=
DADEX001 MSG=A program check occurred in the external CICS interface,invoking
Seems that the batch job is now getting the SVC and other information from the DFHXCOPT that is in the default SDFHEXCI load library.
The HOLDDATA for the PTF states -
Please note, after applying this PTF, EXCI surrogate checking, previously controlled by the SURROGCHK option in DFHXCOPT,will always be YES. If you want the option of SURROGCHK=NO then you will need to
request a usermod from IBM support
I re-assembled our DFHXCOPT. No errors we reencountered with DADS Plus with SURROGCHK=NO.
After the CICS 5.4 PTF was applied, CICS is now looking for the SVC number. The default DFHXCOPT in SDFHEXCI has the SVC number as 216.
This customer uses SVC number 220. Prior to the PTF being applied, CICS honored SURROGCHK=NO in DFHXCOPT so it never looked for the SVC number.
We we found a resolution for the issue. I had to add a library containing a custom DFHXCOPT that use SVC=220 ahead of the SDFHEXCI library in the DADSBIF Batch job PROC. After the CICS 5.4 PTF was applied, CICS is now looking for the
SVC number.
The default DFHXCOPT in SDFHEXCI has the SVC number as 216. We use 220. Prior to the PTF being applied, CICS honored SURROGCHK=NO in DFHXCOPT so it never looked for the SVC number.
The PTF forces surrogate checking on all calls, hence the SVC number is needed.