How to not start the CICSDATA subtask in systems not running CICS
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How to not start the CICSDATA subtask in systems not running CICS


Article ID: 137800


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


The SYSVIEW main task is starting several subtasks when SYSVIEW is started. 
The started subtasks are defined in the SVW$MAIN member (or the member defined in the PARM of SYSVIEW STC)
One of the started subtasks started by SYSVIEW is CICSDATA but  is not necessary in systems that are not running CICS..
CICSDATA is started even if the START CICSDATA is not coded in SVW$MAIN member  .

How to avoid starting CICSDATA subtask?



Use the following command in SVW$MAIN (or the member defined in the PARM of SYSVIEW Stc)




Additional Information

List of subtasks started by SYSVIEW are available at the following link:

Initialization and Termination Members (Parmlib Members)