Release : 4.x , 5.x
Component : API PORTAL
SSL Certificates for PSSG, Ingress, and so on are expired in 3 years after their generation by the script.
They can be regenerated by removing all files in the certs directory and restarting the portal with the script.
The new certificates are valid for another 3 years.
1. Remove a previously running Portal stack
# sudo docker stack rm portal
2. Ensure the Portal stack has enough time to shut down all containers
# sudo docker ps
3. Backup then Remove the <portal_home>certs folder
# sudo tar -cvf certs.tar certs
# sudo rm certs/*
4. restart portal
# sudo ./
5. Watch portal stack for all containers to start
# sudo watch docker service ls
To update the Portal integration certificate on the proxy gateway's see the documentation:
Certificate Management for Gateway Integration: Renew an Expired Certificate
Note for the "Renew an Expired Certificate":
In the View Certificate Details view, paste the Certificate Name you copied.
Before making any changes in working server please keep a complete snapshot of the server.
[for version 4.x only] Please don't regenerate certificates and private keys when the is used for updating the license only.