After an NFA Upgrade the "pump" service will not start. "Last Flow" time are not updating under "Enable Interfaces", and "Last Updated" is not updating under Interfaces.
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After an NFA Upgrade the "pump" service will not start. "Last Flow" time are not updating under "Enable Interfaces", and "Last Updated" is not updating under Interfaces.


Article ID: 137749


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


I upgraded NFA to a later version.  Now we noticed that the date and time of the interface are no longer updated with "Last Updated". Under Enable Interfaces, the "Last Flow" times are not updating.

You may run into a problem with the "NetQoS ReporterAnalyzer Pump service" not starting after an upgrade.


Release : ANY



The Pump service cannot process .FLT/.RPR files created by the product while on a prior version.

This will usually occur if the NFA Console were upgraded before the Harvester.  The correct order is to upgrade all Harvesters before upgrading the NFA Console.


  1. Go to each NFA Harvester and empty the directory: x:\CA\NFA\Netflow\datafiles\NFMinput.
  2. Go to the NFA Console and empty the directory "x:\CA\NFA\Reporter\datafiles\input\" as well as "x:\CA\NFA\Reporter\datafiles\input\Staging"  (Do NOT delete the Staging directory, just the files)
  3. Start the NetQoS ReporterAnalyzer Pump Service.

After this, check the NFA\Reporter\logs\pumplog*.log file for any errors