* with OCEOV set to NO and TAPEAUTHDSN set to YES in DEVSUPnn, does the system make a call to CA 1 to validate the full dataset name matches the TMC before passing the request on to dataset profile testing?
* if DSNB is set to NO and TAPEAUTHF1 is set to YES in DEVSUPnn then subsequent files (DSNBs) on the tape (fileseq > 1) are validated in the same way?
CA 1 Tape Management R14.0
Protecting tape datasets in a RACF environment you can:
You only need to set 1. All achieve the same thing.
RACF is called to determine if the user / job has the correct access to the dataset on tape.
DSNB=YES processing validates that a user / job creating a dataset with fileseq > 1 ALSO has access to the fileseq=1 dataset.
In case the data set name specified for a certain tape volume does not match the data set name in the TMC, then CA 1 will abend anyway with
* IEFTMS50 1XX- 04 for a secondary data set or
* IEFTMS50 1XX- 08 for the first data set
DSNB=YES prevents users / jobs who only have access to TEST.* datasets cannot write datasets after a volume with PROD.* dataset as file1.
DEVSUPxx parameters TAPEAUTHF1, TAPEAUTHRC4 and TAPEAUTHRC8 are for tape datasets in an DFSMSrmm environment running under SMS.
These parameters have no effect in a CA/1 environment.