XCOMU0465E Check of xcom.glb pathnames failed Identify Clear Delete memory segments & semaphores XCOM for Linux
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XCOMU0465E Check of xcom.glb pathnames failed Identify Clear Delete memory segments & semaphores XCOM for Linux


Article ID: 137626


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XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


We checked the .glb file and our home directory but we are still receiving following error when trying to bring up XCOM

XCOMU0465E Check of xcom.glb pathnames failed.
XCOMU0466E Unable to create an index file for queue.


XCOM™ Data Transport® for Linux PC


Memory segments and semaphores not being cleaned up


Issue ipcs and look for key 0x00000019 indicating they are owned by XCOM 

  • Shared Memory Segments - shmid
  • Semaphore Arrays  - semid

Note: which ipcrm tells you where it is getting executed from

To remove:

  • ipcsrm -m 294912    where 29412 is the shmid
  • and then ipcrm -s 327680         and 327680 is the semid
  • ipcs to confirm and verify that the 0x19 keys are no longer there