1) Object Store
2) Task Persistence
3) Archive
4) Auditing
5) Snapshots (reporting)
6) Workflow
Release : 14.3
Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)
1) open the URL
https://<your machine>
2) Login as config user in the "CA Identity Suite Virtual Appliance console"
3) Click over link "Help" that will bring a link for "Prerequesites for external database integration"
Direct Link inside of vaap:
For more information of permissions as CA Identity Portal, CA Identity Governance and also if needs information for MSSQL server the same readme.txt file mentioned in this doc can be reviewed in Vaap
1) open the URL https://<your machine>
2) Login as config user in the "CA Identity Suite Virtual Appliance console"
3) Click over link "Help" that will bring a link for "Prerequesites for external database integration"