Executing CA Culprit receive error message CAS9180E because license for product code (FL) is missing:
JOB00636 CAS9180E - CPU 999999 Requires a LMP key to run Prod (FL)
Release : 19.0
Component : IDMS
The CULPRIT JCL was missing the CUSTOM.LOADLIB the STEPLIB concatenation.
The product code (FL) is for EDP AUDITOR
Make sure the CULPRIT JCL has the CUSTOM.LOADLIB where RHDCPINT resides in STEPLIB.
If no RHDCPINT is found when the job is run all products are assumed "intended for use".
If you do not have an EDP AUDITOR LMP key then RHDCPINT should have it commented.
Note: CA Culprit is included in IDMS base product with id "Culprit for IDMS"