Message: CA Disk does not have any datasets existing on the volume
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Message: CA Disk does not have any datasets existing on the volume


Article ID: 137432


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Disk Backup and Restore - MVS DISK BACKUP AND RESTORE



We believe we're having a problem with DMS right now. We use CA-1 for tape management, which recognizes CA-Disk tapes as EDM. When I look at some of the tapes/keys in DMS some of the tapes report that there are many files on the tape, however when we try to display them DMS reports back that there are no files on the tape. I'll copy a screen from CA-1 and from DMS to show what I'm talking about:

From CA-1

---------------------------  VOLSER INQUIRY DISPLAY  --------------------------
 COMMAND ===> I                                               DATE: 09/20/2019
VOLSER = 297733     ACTVOL=                            SMSMC= BLANKS          
DSN    = SYSXN.ENG.XDC005R.LOCL                        DSN17= .ENG.XDC005R.LOCL
EXPDT  = PERMANENT  ACCT= HEXZEROS                                            
FLAG1  = 40         FLAG2  = 40       FLAG3  = 20      BATCHID= 00 =          
FLAG4  = 00         FLAG5  = 00       FLAG6  = 00      HOOKID = 44 = CLOSE IO 
EDMID  = DMS1       WMC    = 00000    WWID   =          -          -          
CDATE  = 12/30/2016 CJOB   = XDC005RM CTIME  = 1614     CPGM   = ADSMI002     
LDATE  = 12/30/2016 LJOB   = XDC005RM LTIME  = 1614     LPGM   = ADSMI002     
CSTEP  = DMS        CDDNAME= ARCHIVEC CUNIT  = 4566     LUNIT  = 4566         
OUTDATE= ZEROS      OUTCODE=          SLOT   = 0000000  TRERRC = 00000        
BTHDATE= 04/25/2006 VENDOR = BLANKS   COUNT  = 00047    TWERRC = 00000        
DATECLN= ZEROS      USECLN = 00000    CLNCNT = 000      TRERRI = 00000        
VOLSEQ = 0001       ROBTY  = VIBM     ROBID  = 002      TWERRI = 00000        
1STVOL =            NEXTVOL=          PREVVOL=          PRERRC = 00000        
NUMDSNB= 00000      1STDSNB= 00000000 LSTDSNB= 00000000 PWERRC = 00000        
LABEL  = SL         DEN    = 38KC     TRTCH  = 36X2     PRERRI = 00000        
RECFM  = U          LRECL  = 000000   BLKSIZE= 032760   PWERRI = 00000        
AUDATE = 12/30/2016 AUTIME = 1614     BESKEY = 00000    BLKCNT = 0000013786   
AUCODE = 02         AUFLAG1= 00       CPUID  = HRC2     USERID = XDC005R      
VOLPERC= 001  FILPERC= 001  COMPRES= 075  BYTEPRC= 099  CTLGCNT= 000          

From DMS

DMS036C ------ CA Disk Single Archive Volume Display  No datasets found on vol
COMMAND INPUT ===>                                                           
   Available options:                                                        
    Press:  ENTER to return       1 to disable archvols                      
            2 to enable archvols  3 to display contents                      
  Archive volser(s):  297733                                                 
  Archvols key:  297733          Key of next volume:                         
  Copy key:  (NONE)              Device type:  3490    DYNA                  
  Archive data set name:  SYSXN.ENG.XDC005R.LOCL                             
  Creation time:    16:14:06     Number of data sets:   130                  
  Creation date:    30DEC2016    Number of blocks:      13786                
  Expiration date:  PERMANENT    Number of kilobytes:   438895               
  Volume count:     1            NUMBER OF FEET USED:"  171                  
  ARCHVOLS IS A COPY                    ARCHVOLS IS ENABLED                  

DMS reports that there are 130 datasets on the tape, but tells me there are no files on the tape when I try to display the contents.

I prefer response through email, thank you


Release : 12.5

Component : CA Disk Backup and Restore


First, here are some basics of DSNINDEX and ARCHVOLS records.

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In the majority of CA Disk tapes being created, multiple data sets will be written to a tape.

For each of the data sets written, a DSNINDEX record is created.

For the tape created, an ARCHVOLS record is created for the Primary [PRIM] and the COPY (if one is created).

All DSNINDEX records have a field showing the PRIM ARCHVOLS volser.

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If CA Disk has determined that a data set will require more than one tape to hold it,

then CA Disk will write that data set to as many tapes as needed.

When writing that data set is completed, the last tape is closed with no other data sets written to it.


For the data set that was written to multiple tapes, a single DSNINDEX record is created.

This record will list the first DASD volser where this data set resided.

That DSNINDEX record will also list the first ARCHVOLS volser.

An ARCHVOLS record is created for every tape created in this multi-volume chain.

In each of these ARCHVOLS, there is a "Seq No" field that shows the sequence number of that tape 

and a "Next Chain" field that lists the next volser in the ARCHVOLS chain.

There is no field that "points up" the chain, only the one field that "points down" the chain.

[If COPY tapes are also created, a chain of COPY ARCHVOLS are created just as the PRIM ARCHVOLS are created.]

NOTE: When the ARCHVOLS is closed the statistics fields are updated: Num of DSNs, Block Count, Byte Count.

These fields are never updated thereafter.

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Please see KB 20048 for info about: How Does CA Disk Determine Tape Utilization, 

which explains more about multi-volume ARCHVOLS.

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A simple utility will report the ARCHVOLS records and the DSNINDEX records contained on an ARCHVOLS.

This utility is:




Example commands are:

LISTV    [list all ARCHVOLS records]

LISTV VOL=nnnnnn   [list a single ARCHVOLS record]

LISTV VOL=(nnnnnn,nnnnnn,PR*, etc.)  [list several ARCHVOLS or those that match the pattern]

LISTD VOL=nnnnnn   [list DSNINDEX records on a tape]

LISTD VOL=PR*,DUPLICATES    [list DSNINDEX records on these tapes including duplicate data set name entries]

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Please look in the CA Disk User Guide, ch 10, FILES Maintenance, Topic: LISTV Flags.

This displays the vital information that CA Disk has recorded about the ARCHVOLS, such things as:

First Byte:

x'40' - Volume is a copy of another volume

x'04' - Volume is full (next data set did not fit)

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If researching a multi-volume ARCHVOLS, run just the LISTV command to get all the ARCHVOLS records together.

Then, you can search to easily find each of the records in a chain, from one to the next, to the next, etc. 

When you get all the ARCHVOLS records together, you can see all the "chain" fields to make sense of all this.


An error message example...  

LISTD VOL=nnnnnn 


This can be an easy mistake to make by running a LISTD on a COPY ARCHVOLS.

This error message is because the DSNINDEX records have only the PRIM ARCHVOLS noted in the records. 

The ARCHVOLS of the COPY volume does not point to the PRIM. 

Also, look for the message, "ARCHVOLS IS A COPY".

If the KEY CHAIN field is blank, this is because this is the last volume in the chain [or the only volume]. 

Run a LISTV on the record to see the FLAG FIELDS to confirm.

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Additional Information

Here is an example of a LISTV report of the last volume (#5) in a multi-volume chain...

12019.263  SEP 20, 2019                              A R C H I V E   V O L U M E S                                          PAGE    1

 FRIDAY    12.07 PM                                                                                                    CA DISK r12.5


 ARCHIV                                WRITTEN              DATA      BLOCK   K/M/G/T ID VOL FLAGS   COPY   TRUE  SEQ  DEVICE   KEY


 ------ ---------------------------- ------------- -------- ------- --------- ------- -- --- ------ ------ ------ --- -------- ------

 B00004 PW.TS.BK                     0137 2019.219 1999.365       1    323127   9.86G 61   5 048B00        B00004   5 3490DYN1