OWB/MSP Error: Unable to Connect to Host if using SSL (HTTPS)
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OWB/MSP Error: Unable to Connect to Host if using SSL (HTTPS)


Article ID: 137400


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When trying to open a project using Open Workbench (OWB) or Microsoft Project (MSP) from Clarity PPM, one or both of the following pWbench messages appear:


  • A server error occurred during login: - Server returned HTTP response code  401 for URL: <https Clarity URL>
  • Unable to connect to Host. You may be trying to connect to a host that is currently offline of does not exist. 
  • Unknown Login error


Release : All supported releases


This can be due to the SchedulerURL in the properties.xml (CSA/NSA) being missing or incorrect. If using https, this should be updated to include the https URL.


Update the Scheduler URL in CSA/NSA with the https URL (Example: https://<clarity_host>:443) then restart the app services.