Run sample report job ERPT0300 get MODULE EARL NOT FOUND
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Run sample report job ERPT0300 get MODULE EARL NOT FOUND


Article ID: 137295


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Vtape Virtual Tape System


During the  ERPT0300 Active Virtual Volume Report  the following messages are displayed and the job abended with *S806 :

                                     CSV003I REQUESTED MODULE EARL     NOT FOUND

                                     CSV028I ABEND806-04  JOBNAME=XXXXX  STEPNAME=YYYYY

                                     IDI0001I Fault Analyzer V13R1M0 (UI53040 2018/01/08) invoked by IDIXDCAP using SYS3..PARMLIB(IDICNF00)

                                    IDI0002I Module SVTEARL, CSECT SVTEARL, offset X'192': The system load of module EARL failed


Release : 12.6

Component : CA VTAPE


The install of EARL delivers the FMID CXE6100 from the LEGACY Pax File of CA Common Services.

If the CCCSLOAD - CA Common Services load library (which should contain the EARL module) is not in the linklist, then the CCCSLOAD library should be added to the STEPLIB ddname of the ERPT0300 job.