When approving a create user task in the CA Identity Portal, CA Identity Manager records the following error:
12:46:26,752 ERROR [ims.tmt.submit.validation.blth] (http-/ IMSException in BLTH handleTask: Password validation failed: null.
The IM (Identity manager) task that triggers the Workflow is a Create User task and it posses BLTH (Business Logic Task Handler) while the Approval task itself does not have any BLTH.
Having tested the following scenarios the error persists:
1. Remove Password and ConfirmPassword Fields from Profile Sceen in IDM (Identity Manager) and from Form in IDP (Identity Portal)
2. Retain with Password and ConfirmPassword Fields in both IDM and IDP (both fields with default value and hidden)
3. Remove Password and ConfirmPassword Field in IDP but leave them in IDM
Release : 14.1 IM (Identity manager) CP9 IP (Identity Portal) CP4