Customer may experience the following error while login into the OAuth Manager (https://<gateway>:8443/oauth/manager)
Release : Gateway 10.x 11.x
Component : API GATEWAY
OTK 4.3 OTK 4.4 OTK 4.5 OTK 4.6
The OAuth Manager service include API XSS Protection logic which cause the authentication to fails immediately if the ${request.mainpart} and ${request.url} contain a special character that matches regular expression pattern (%3c|[<])(\w|%(?!20))
In order to confirm the case, verify in Audit Log for error such the following one:
Usually this can be caused by special character in the Admin password matching the specific pattern condition, such for example "<".
Do not use prohibit characters in the Admin password that can conflict with the API XSS Protection assertion.