There are times when a preference setting can become corrupt and will cause unexpected behaviors in the application. Preferences are stored on a user by user basis so at times one user may experience issues on a page when another will not. Theses behaviors can include obvious errors such as red "flares" at the top of the application that show an error, the "Whoops we hit a snag" (also known as "Yeti Betty"), but may also manifest themselves as issues with unexpected results when using filters. This article will not discuss individual preferences; only the tools that are commonly used to deal with them.
Option 1: Preference Deleter
The preference deleter is available as a community app from GitHub. In order to install it, perform the following steps:
See this video for a walkthrough on adding a custom app
Option 2: Preference Viewer
The Preference Viewer is built into Rally, however not all users will have this enabled. Support is able to switch this on for users. In order to access the Preference Viewer perform the following steps: