We're experiencing an issue where all my production OPMS's appear to be bouncing connection to opp2.asm.ca.com with the following errors:
Sep 04, 2019 3:00:55 PM com.ca.asm.optunnel.client.tyrus.TyrusTunnelClient$2 onClose
SEVERE: Connection to wss://opp2.asm.ca.com:443/1499a4f2-a3f9-11e9-aaf9-069fe66894e4 closed : 1006 Closed abnormally.
Sep 04, 2019 3:00:55 PM com.ca.asm.optunnel.client.tyrus.TunnelReconnectHandler onDisconnect
SEVERE: Reconnecting, attempt 7 : 1006 Closed abnormally.
Sep 04, 2019 3:01:25 PM com.ca.asm.optunnel.client.tyrus.TyrusTunnelClient$2 onOpen
INFO: Connected to wss://opp2.asm.ca.com:443/1499a4f2-a3f9-11e9-aaf9-069fe66894e4 using version 4.
[root@jtctlslmopms02 optunnel]# ^C
Sep 04, 2019 3:03:14 PM com.ca.asm.optunnel.client.tyrus.TyrusTunnelClient$2 onClose
SEVERE: Connection to wss://opp.asm.ca.com:443/74cf747d-c8d6-11e8-8403-069fe66894e4 closed : 1006 "Session closed by the container because of the idle timeout."
Sep 04, 2019 3:03:14 PM com.ca.asm.optunnel.client.tyrus.TunnelReconnectHandler onDisconnect
SEVERE: Reconnecting, attempt 6 : 1006 "Session closed by the container because of the idle timeout."
Sep 04, 2019 3:03:24 PM com.ca.asm.optunnel.client.tyrus.TyrusTunnelClient$2 onOpen
INFO: Connected to wss://opp.asm.ca.com:443/74cf747d-c8d6-11e8-8403-069fe66894e4 using version 3.
[root@jtctlslmopms01 log]#
Release : 10.1
OPMS server Redhat 6
Proxy Settings has changed
Caused by mis-configured Proxy settings