SOLVE UAMS User Name converted to uppercase when REMODEL YES enabled.
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SOLVE UAMS User Name converted to uppercase when REMODEL YES enabled.


Article ID: 137106


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SOLVE:Operations Automation SOLVE:Access Session Management SOLVE:FTS SOLVE


When the REMODEL option  in SXPARMS is enabled, the User Name in UAMS is always converted to uppercase when a user logs on to SOLVE.
This occurs whether the users model has changed or not.


Release : 11.9

Component : CA SOLVE:Operations Automation for z/OS


The name is requested from SAF. The value in the User Name in RACF Security is in upper case. 

We model (REMODE) on the input from Security. 

So, if RACF has it in uppercase, then we continue that using REMODEL.

This is a problem with RACF Security having the User Name in uppercase.