How is the list of owners created and displayed under the owner dropdown field
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How is the list of owners created and displayed under the owner dropdown field


Article ID: 137080


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


When in any object such as user stories, tasks, defects, portfolio items and want to choose a user in the Owner dropdown field, clicking on the Owner field reveals two lists: Quick Picks and Team Members.   How are these lists populated?


Release : SAAS




The list is populated as follows;

-  The search option is presented to look for any users who are not on the "Quick Pick" or "Team Members" lists, these are users who have access to the project for which the artifact is associated to. 

-  The first choice in the list "Quick Picks" displays the name of the user who is logged in and accessing the list.  This allows for easy assignment of the artifact to themselves for the user logged in.

- The second group is "Team Members", these are users assigned as part of the team or project (to which the artifact is associated to) in their user profiles.