When a JVM crash occurs, the JVM requests the operating system to generate a system dump.
Message "JVMDUMP032I JVM requested System dump using 'file......' in response to an event" is issued.
The command Xdump allows to do that but how to change the default file name for this transaction dumps in z/OS?
CA Endevor Software Change Manager
Web Services
The default dataset name can be overrided for these transaction dumps in the member CSIQJCL(WSTOMENV). This member is referenced on the STDENV DD statement in the TOMCAT instance CSIQJCL(WSTOMSTC) startup procedure.
At the end of member CSIQJCL(WSTOMENV) there is a command export IBM_JAVA_ZOS_TDUMP.
Change it to:
and also
export JAVA_DUMP_TDUMP_PATTERN="ds_pattern" where ds_pattern is the id for the transaction dump dataset.