CICS transaction SYSV changing 132x60 display resolution size
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CICS transaction SYSV changing 132x60 display resolution size


Article ID: 136907


Updated On: 11-05-2024


SYSVIEW Performance Management


Is it possible to change the resolution/screen size in the CICS transaction from 80x24 to a higher one?


Yes this is possible.  


It is really nothing specific to SYSVIEW, it should be similar for any CICS transaction.  


Portion of CNM4BSAM(CICSCSD) which is used at install time to add SYSVIEW tranid/program definitions to CICS:


* The transaction definition for SYSV specifies the PROFILE *

* GSVXALTS. This profile allows the SYSV transaction to run *

* as the alternate screen size. *

* *

* If you do not want the SYSV transaction to run as an *

* alternate screensize, remove the "PROFILE(GSVXALTS)" *

* parameter. *

* *

* Multiple transactions can be defined to run the GSVXCICS *

* program. One for primary and one for alternate screen sizes. *

* *



* Define Profiles







* Define transactions















Additional Information

There is additional info in the CICS doc for the DEFINE PROFILE SCRNSIZE parm in IBM's DFHA4 Attributes documentation.