How to change the Identity Manager Connector Password in Identity Portal
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How to change the Identity Manager Connector Password in Identity Portal


Article ID: 136775


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Sometimes sites or policies require the password to be changed regularly.  Follow the steps below to change the IDM connector password for IP.


Release: 14.x


Component: Virtual Appliance, Identity Manager, Identity Portal


To change the Identity Manager environment system password in Identity Portal, perform the following steps:

1. Log in to the Identity Portal Management Console with User Name=sigma and Password=<Old Master


2. Click Admin UI.

3. In the Setup menu, click CAIM connector.

4. In the Edit Connector window, click Next until you reach the Webservices tab. In the IM Environment

System Manager Password field, enter the new master password.

5. Click Next until you see the Save button.

6. Click Save for the changes to take effect.

7. Restart CAIM connector and ensure it is up and running.