Sample IBM CL/Supersession script for Automatic Logon to CA 7 as VTAM Application
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Sample IBM CL/Supersession script for Automatic Logon to CA 7 as VTAM Application


Article ID: 136749


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CA 7 Workload Automation


CA 7 Workload Automation can be accessed both as TSO/ISPF application or as VTAM application from a Multi-session product.

Is it  possible to customize the Multi Session product scripts in order to perform an Automatic Logon of CA 7, passing userid/pswd and bypassing the Logon screen?  


Release : all available releases 

Component : CA-7


It is possible to customize the Multi-Session scripts and definitions so that an Automatic Logon is issued for CA7 , passing userid/pswd to the script and bypassing in this way the Logon screen of CA7.

Below a sample script that can be used for IBM CL/Supersession Manager :   


     xxxxx - Automatic Logon to CA7

     Sample initial or LOGON dialog.  This example performs
     an automated LOGON

sysparm scope(shared)   * session ID input parameter
sysrc   scope(shared)   * passed return code
rc      scope(local)    * local return code
sid     scope(local)    * session ID

set sid  &sysparm                           /* save session ID     */

   The following compound statement calls dialog KLSFNSTR to
   look in the application buffer for the find string provided.
   (LOGONID:) The 'IF' statement evaluates the return code. If
   the return code is greater that zero, the 'CONTINUE'
   statement is executed, causing a branch directly to the
   PROLOGUE section, where an error message is written out. If
   the return code is zero, processing resumes at the next
   instruction after the 'CONTINUE'.

if (dialog KLSFNSTR '&sid,USERID       :  ,=,10,x')
  continue                                  /* no write warning msg*/

vsstype(&sid '&vssuser')                    /* yes enter userid    */
vsskey(&sid TAB)                            /* tab once            */
vsstype(&sid (encdec('&vsspswd')))          /* enter password      */
vsskey(&sid ENTER)                          /* press enter         */