As an Endevor Administrator there is much more tasks than maintaining Endevor and just apply PTFS.
This document will help administrator get started.
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One of the many functions as the Endevor administrator, is to ensure that the installation of Endevor is current with maintenance.
For more information on maintaining the product see the documentation section on Install maintenance.
It is suggested that a check for maintenance be done monthly and at a minimum of quarterly.
As an Endevor Administrator, one of the responsibilities is to monitor the Endevor files on a regular basis to ensure that there is adequate space.
The information below should help to monitor & maintain those files.
The Master Control Files and Package data set are VSAM files, and should be maintained using the standard IBM VSAM maintenance utility IDCAMS.
To obtain file utilization statistics, run the utility with the LISTCAT command.
Monitor the Endevor libraries regularly, as explained in the following:
Use ISPF/PDF, Option 3 (Utilities) and/or Option 2 (Data sets) to display space utilization statistics.
PDS or PDS/E libraries include the Endevor listing libraries and processor load library, and may include the base and delta libraries and the source output library.
Run the BC1PNLST utility program. ELIB data sets can be used for the base, delta, and/or listing libraries.
For more information about the BC1PNLST utility, see Setting Up ELIB Data Sets.
If a file becomes full, compress or expand the file, as appropriate. This section explains how to do this for the Master Control File, Package data sets, PDS or PDS/E libraries, and ELIB data sets.
//DFILE DDDSN=library-dsn,DISP=OLD
//DFILE DDDSN=library-dsn,DISP=OLD
Everybody understands the need to take backups of critical data, and likewise, everybody agrees that Endevor data is critical data.
Taking backups however is not enough. Backups of Endevor data should also allow restoring to a specific point in time in the shortest time possible and with minimal loss of data.
in case disaster recovery situation
Endevor recommends using the Endevor UNLOAD utility to take full and incremental backups of its datasets.
The UNLOAD utility “knows” the internal structures of the Endevor datasets and use an enqueue at the (Endevor-) system level to guarantee that the data that gets backed up is not only restorable but also useable.
It may be a good idea to do a full UNLOAD once per week or every two weeks and doing incremental backups every night. This way, the full backup can be used to recover from a disk crash; while the incremental backups can be used to recover the latest changes since the full unload.
The enqueue on the system that is being unloaded can be penalizing because modifications are not possible in this system while the UNLOAD is running, but it is the only way to guarantee useable backup data.
UNLOAD also allows to back-up the package file, but you should note that it does not backup the ACMQ files. These files need to be backed-up manually using a simple IDCAMS job that runs in a few seconds. Make sure you specify DISP=OLD on the ROOT and XREF datasets, otherwise you may get the ROOT and XREF content out of sync. See below for a sample ACMQ backup step.
The full UNLOAD can be replaced by any other backup utility (DFSMShsm component of DFSMS for example), followed by an UNLOAD CHECKPOINT.
The unload checkpoint merely sets a flag in Endevor indicating that a full backup exists and at what date/time it was taken. Its purpose is to set a starting date/timestamp for the incremental backups.
When using other utilities, Endevor does not itself guarantee the integrity of the backed-up data, so this must be done externally.
This means the other utility programs should use some sort of enqueue mechanism to ensure the data to remain in sync while the backup process is executing.
What is usually noticed is that people rely on DFSMShsm’s capability to take secure backups, but it must be observed that a secure backup as assumed by this feature of DFSMShsm is actually not secure for Endevor at all.
DFSMShsm's definition of secure does not go beyond the backup of a simple data set, which leaves the possibility to back-up a base file (securely) and its corresponding delta file (or MCF/CATALOG..) securely too, but this doesn't avoid the risk of Endevor changes to be made between these separate data set backups.
It is obvious that a method of backup performed without synchronization consideration can not guarantee that the data will be useable for a recovery.
The only safe way to obtain restorable and useable data when using other utilities for full backups is to lock the full access to ENDEVOR while these backups are taking place in order to guaranty the synchronization of the Endevor inventory.
The comparison of a general lock with the locking of a single SYSTEM like Endevor’s UNLOAD utility clearly gives the advantage to the Endevor solution.
Weekly and daily backups of Endevor files/data are strongly recommended. Below are the steps that are recommended by the Endevor Support Team.
Perform a weekly DFDSS Backup of every file related to Endevor (Package file, MCF's, Element Catalog, ACMROOT, ACMXREF, GCF, base and delta files, Output libraries, etc...). Have this done in a single job on either Saturday, Sunday night or any other day or night the condition beeing that there is no activities in Endevor. Support recommends doing the weekly backup with a DISP=OLD on the entry MCFs in order to guarantee that nobody can update ENDEVOR while the weekly DFDSS backups are running. This should secure DFDSS backup quality and guarantee restorability.
When using LServ, in order to be able to backup Endevor files, files must be temporarily removed from L-Serv, or L-Serv must be shut down.
For more information, see "how to Disable Point in Time Recovery Journaling ?" explanation available from the Point in Time Recovery chapter "Perform Periodic Backups of Endevor".
After the DFDSS backups have been successfully completed, run an Endevor UNLOAD CHECKPOINT ONLY.
For more information on the Unload Utility please reference UNLOAD/RELOAD/VALIDATE.
UNLOAD jobs (incremental or full) use an ENQ on the SYSTEM level and will thus exclude updates of the ENDEVOR SYSTEM and its contents during these backups.
This will guarantee absolute coherence of the backed-up entities.
Once the UNLOAD FULL CHECKPOINT is completed, Daily incremental unloads can be performed. It is recommended to run 1 job for each environment.
Optionally a DFDSS incremental backup can be performed on the Endevor output libraries, Package file, ACMROOT and ACMXREF files. Below is a sample of the SCL that can be used for the Endevor Incremental Unload:
TO DDNAME dddddddd
SYS * .
This procedure will allow to have good backups useable for any restore from if anything ever happens to your Endevor data. Another advantage, is that if an element was deleted by accident a transfer from the unload file can be completed to recover.
It is strongly recommend that the Unload/Reload Utilities be used for backups for ease of recovery. However, many sites currently do full DFDSS backups which if an UNLOAD/CHECKPOINT is done in conjunction with these, your recovery will be fine.
As stated previously, ACMQ backups need to be restorable and useable as well and since UNLOAD does not backup ACMQ data, it must be done independently. This is very easy and extremely fast.
The following sample of JCL using the IDCAMS utility should run in a few seconds, and when combined in a run immediately following a full UNLOAD it should ensure a useable ACMQ backup.
Note: Don’t overlook the DISP=OLD on your ROOT/XREF specifications:
// DSN=uprfx.uqual.ROOT.backup,
// DSN=iprfx.xref.BACKUP,
For more information on other activities that Endevor Administrators should perform take a look at the Roadmap for Administrators Tasks or contact the Broadcom Endevor Support Team.