To change the password of the Provisioning components follow the steps below.
All Identity Manager
1. Log in to the Virtual Appliance with config/ec2-user user credentials.
2. Switch user config/ec2-user to imps using su – imps command.
3. Run echo $ETPKIHOME to validate the location of the Provisioning Server.
4. If FIPS mode is enabled, navigate to
erassociates/identity_manager/provisioning_server/ and run cat etrust_tls_enable_fips_mode. You must
see the output yes on the screen.
5. Navigate to /opt/CA/IdentityManager/ProvisioningServer/bin.
6. Run ./pwdmgr to update the Provisioning Directory password for im domain. Follow the screen below and
enter values as appropriate.
7. Run ./pwdmgr to update the Provisioning Server password for im domain. Follow the screen below and
enter values as appropriate.
8. Run ./pwdmgr to update the Provisioning Directory password for eta domain. Follow the screen below and
enter values as appropriate.
9. Run ./pwdmgr to update the Provisioning Server password for eta domain. Follow the screen below and
enter values as appropriate.
10. Type exit to exit the Provisioning Server user.
11. Stop and start Provisioning Server and Provisioning Directory services.