Product download versions for OPS/MVS
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Product download versions for OPS/MVS


Article ID: 136643


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


You  see multiple versions of OPS/MVS in my product downloads:

  • ...for JES2 MVS
  • ...for JES2 plus MSU MVS
  • ...for JES3 MVS
  • ....for JES3 plus MSU MVS

What is the difference?


Release :  All releases

Component : OPS/MVS


The different names are marketing bundles, and the list could vary for different customers, up to as many as 6 selectable options. The product media name is the same regardless of the bundle (version) chosen, and any of the links for the desired release may be selected.

  • For example, in release 13.5, all bundles have the following product media name: OPS 13.5 INC00 MEDIA DVD11101249E.pax.Z