Identity Portal Can not execute against Oracle DB on IP startup
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Identity Portal Can not execute against Oracle DB on IP startup


Article ID: 136640


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite




FATAL error after trying to start 3 times.  The FATAL error is an exit of the deployment after IP tried to start. Vapp deployment logs show IP tried to start 3 times and exits.


2019 Aug 28 12:11:58 <host> ##########################


2019 Aug 28 12:11:58 <host>  # STEP 5: Start Services #


2019 Aug 28 12:11:58 <host> ##########################

2019 Aug 28 12:11:58 <host>   

2019 Aug 28 12:11:58 <host> Starting Identity Portal on ##.###.##.###

2019 Aug 28 12:36:57 <host>  [WARN] Identity Portal on ##.###.##.### did not start within the configured threshold. Attempting to restart it

2019 Aug 28 13:02:03 <host>  [WARN] Identity Portal on did not start within the configured threshold. Attempting to restart it

2019 Aug 28 13:27:06 <host>  [ERROR] Fatal deployment failure - error 

code 8 


Server.logs show:


Caused by: Error : 1950, Position : 12, Sql = insert into LoginData (counter, requester, id, loginData) values (:1 , :2 , :3 , :4 ), OriginalSql = insert into LoginData (counter, requester, id, loginData) values (?, ?, ?, ?), Error Msg = ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'IP_PORTAL_STORE'

Can not execute against Oracle DB.

Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute statement

at org.hibernate.jpa.spi.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert(

at org.hibernate.jpa.spi.AbstractEntityManagerImpl.convert( 


Release : 14.4

Component : Identity Suite / vApp


Incorrect privileges in Oracle for the first Identity Portal start.


It will try 3 times and quits and we see the error where could not start the service for IP:

2019-08-28 13:04:18,932 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS014613: Operation ("deploy") failed - address: ([("deployment" => "sigma.war")]) - failure description: {"JBAS014671: Failed services" => {"jboss.undertow.deployment.default-server.default-host./sigma" => "org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.undertow.deployment.default-server.default-host./sigma: Failed to start service

Please review: 

Was the proper external Data source created for Oracle?

Also for external databases and Oracle: 

The doc says the following which I would like you to discuss with your DBA to confirm Oracle has the needed privileges for the first IP start.


The Virtual Appliance deployment process automatically populates the database tables for the products, and it is the sole responsibility of the administrator to create the databases/schemas with proper privileges as described in the external database prerequisites readme file on the vApp Web Interface (referenced under both the help page and database configuration page).

For example:

If using an Oracle database, CA Identity Governance and CA Identity Portal schema need CONNECT and RESOURCE privileges. Whereas, the CA Identity Manager schema needs DBA privileges for the first time the product starts; later on, the DBA privileges can be revoked and replaced with standard CONNECT and RESOURCE privileges."