Error "The timeout period for this activation has elapsed" received while doing a software distribution
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Error "The timeout period for this activation has elapsed" received while doing a software distribution


Article ID: 136636


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


When doing a software distribution, some Agents receive the following error:

"The timeout period for this activation has elapsed"

Reviewing the properties of this failed job, under Delivery Trace, the following can be seen:

"FAILED 403:Connection to Scala1 failed () Transfer job failure - reason 6"

NOTE: "Scala1" is the Scalability Server that manages the target Agent.


Client Automation 14.x


This means the error of this software distribution is not caused by the Agent, but is at Scalability Server level, during the Stage of the package to the server before actually sending it to the Agent. 


Reviewing DTS log on Domain Manager (in DETAIL mode), the following error can be found:


|DETAIL | Message received=<MESSAGE_TYPE=[27] SMARTT_ID=[325] REPOSITORY_ID=[TOR] STATUS_FILENAME=[F:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\dts\dta\status\I12i4Ilost.sts] DTA_ID=[Ilost] ROLE=[I] BYTES_TRANS=[0] START_TIME=[1566598048] END_TIME=[0] STATUS_FILE_TIMESTAMP=[1566599333] FAILURE_CODE=[403] FAILURE_MESSAGE=[Connection to Scala1 failed] STAGING_FILENAME=[] FILE_FILTERS_PROCESSED=[0]> From HostName=<>


Doing a 'dtsping' from Domain Manager to Scalability Server can perform a simple test of communication to see if DTS Agent is reachable, if not, then the cause of this issue is the missing DTS Agent installed on the Scalability Server.


In order to solve it this,  the ITCM installer can be executed on the Scalability Server, select 'Modify' the current installation and once "Configure Agent" section comes, click on 'Software Delivery' and select check box "Install Data Transport Agent".