How to terminate Orphan ENDSPAWN Tasks
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How to terminate Orphan ENDSPAWN Tasks


Article ID: 136634


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User cancelled an Endevor package job that had spawned a half-dozen ENDSPAWN tasks.  ENF task issued commands to cancel the ENDSPAWN tasks.  RACF rules were not set up properly so the ENF cancel commands failed.  


How to terminate the still active ENDSPAWN tasks?


                ENF      STC19699 ENF      CAENF    ENF          0.04 EC STCM8 


JNL8     19247 14:27:10.05 STC19699 00000290  C ENDSPAWN,A=02B2                                                         

NR0000000 JNL8     19247 14:27:10.06 STC19699 00000090  IEE345I CANCEL   AUTHORITY INVALID, FAILED BY SECURITY PRODUCT             

M 0080000 JNL8     19247 14:27:10.06 STC19699 00000291  ICH408I USER(<userid>) GROUP(<group> ) NAME(<user name>             ) 356     

D                                         356 00000291    MVS.CANCEL.STC.ENDSPAWN.ENDSPAWN CL(OPERCMDS)                            

D                                         356 00000291    INSUFFICIENT ACCESS AUTHORITY                                           

D                                         356 00000291    FROM MVS.** (G)                                                          


The above messages show up in the ENF started task. The userid reported in the violation is the one associated to the ENF started task


Release : 18.0

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


Go to ISPF panel active queue, cancel all active ENDSPAWN task. 

There will be no orphan ENDSPAWN task once ENF issue the cancellation (after RACF rule is fixed).