Executing a performance test through Jenkins.
Using plugins CA DevTest Invoke 1.0 and CA Service Virtualization Plugin 1.0.1.
The Jenkins pipeline job downloads a DevTest project from Git, then creates a MAR file based on a Mari file, then use the svDeployTest step to execute the DevTest Mar file, but get the following error:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/jenkins/workspace/DASG-CONSOLIDATED/DASG-ARCH-AND-DEVOPS/DASG_Applications/Mainframe/zCI-CD-PerformanceTest-pipeline/RestAPI_Pipeline_Performance_Test.mar (No such file or directory)
Strangely if I do an ls in that directory, Jenkins detects the file.
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise
All supported DevTest releases.
Upgrade the "CA Service Virtualization Jenkins Plugin" to the latest version.
Refer to section "Using Jenkins Plugin for Service Virtualization" in the documentation of the DevTest release you are running.