Reports integrated with Clarity is not working and when you run the command admin update jasperParameters command you are getting the error below
"Failed to update :jasper parameters :failed to update properties on the Jaspersoft server and getting exception like Clarityjasper admin:unauthorized access
Release :Any
This error is due to incorrect configuration for user in CSA under reporting tab where user was changed
1. Stop the clarity service
2. Delete the existing keystore
3. Start the nsa and beacon service from one server
4. Update the user in CSA-Reporting tab to ppmjasperadmin
5. Delete the keystore from report server
6. Generate the keystore and copy to report server
7. Login to Jaspersoft using superuser
8. Go to user under your organization and search for jasperadmin
9. Edit the user jasperadmin and delete all the profile attribute except domainWhitelist as it is read only
10. Run the command admin update jasperParameters and it will generate the profile attribute for user ppmjasperadmin
12. Run the sync commands admin jaspersoft syncPPMContext -userName superuser -password XXX and you should be able to run the reports again.