Provisioning Server Run out of available threads
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Provisioning Server Run out of available threads


Article ID: 136465


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


It was working fine and we started seeing same issue yesterday evening. Logs below.


----- logs -- 

20190812:162658:TID=00461c:Modify    :C532:E515:P:     eTSelfChange:  1 [REPLACE]

20190812:162659:TID=00318c:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:162659:TID=00318c:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:162659:TID=00318c:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:162659:TID=003a40:LDAP      :----:----:*: Load Balancing: ldaps://, ldaps://xxx12813

20190812:162659:TID=003a40:LDAP      :----:----:*, ldaps://, ldaps://

20190812:162659:TID=003a40:LDAP      :----:----:*

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*: Performance warning: Run out of available threads.

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*: Load Balancing: ldaps://, ldaps://xxx12810

20190812:185232:TID=001e24:LDAP      :----:----:*, ldaps://, ldaps://



20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:Bind      :E458:----:S: External Bind (eTGlobalUserName=imadmin) Requested by User <anonymous> - TenantNo

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:Bind      :E458:----:S:+tSet

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:Bind      :E458:----:P:     dn: eTGlobalUserName=imadmin,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespa

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:Bind      :E458:----:P:+    ceName=CommonObjects,dc=im

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:LDAP      :----:----:*: ldaps://xxx12809:20391. Connecting (busy=0, waiters=0, connecting=1)

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:LDAP      :----:----:*: ldaps://xxx12809:20391. Failed to connect: RC=LDAP_SERVER_DOWN (0x51) Retry=0

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:Bind      :E458:----:F: FAILURE: External Bind (eTGlobalUserName=imadmin)

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:Bind      :E458:----:F:     rc:  0x0031 (Invalid credentials)

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:Bind      :E458:----:F:     msg: :ETA_E_0302<BGU>, Bind to provisioning server as 'imadmin' failed: Inval

20190812:185808:TID=0022ec:Bind      :E458:----:F:+id credentials or Global User is locked




Release : 14.2, 14.4

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


This message looks like it is coming from the directory level:


CA Directory

Increase User threads for the Router DSA

The set user-threads command defines the number of threads available on a DSA to process user requests. If a request arrives and no thread is available, the request is put in a queue. If a user thread is available, the DSA fulfills this request. On a multi-CPU host, 8 is a suitable initial setting. For a single CPU host, do not set user-threads, or set it to 1. The default is 8. For our solution, we recommend setting up 16 in the settings files of the router DSA.

[email protected]:~ > su - dsa
Last login: Tue Aug 23 01:30:06 EDT 2022
[[email protected] ~]$ vi /opt/CA/Directory/
[[email protected] ~]$ cd /opt/CA/Directory/dxserver/config/settings/
[[email protected]  settings]$ vi impd.dxc



This command has the following syntax:


set user-threads = 16;


You can put this command in the impd.dxc file under <CA Directory_Install_DIR>/dxserver/config/settings


Additional Information

Works for 14.4 version