Dollar Universe was installed on a Windows Server on a Drive / Folder that was eventually removed by mistake.
After having removed with the 'sc delete' command the Dollar Universe Services the uninstalll was attempted, but if fails stating "there is no instance to delete".
A new installation also fails stating that the instance exists on the Drive / Folder that was removed by mistake.
Release : 6.x
OS: Windows
The Dollar Universe 6 setup reads from the Registry the existing Installations.
Remove the installation from the Registry after having deleted the Dollar Universe Services.
To do so, launch regedit and then delete or rename the Instance_COMPANY_NODE folder that appears in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ORSYP S.A.\Dollar Universe\
Then attempt a new installation, this time it should not detect any more that old corrupted Instance.