Our z/VM LPARs have VM:Manager, with VM:Sched, VM:Oper, and VM:Spool. I am unable to determine from our CALMP Keys file if we are licensed for the entire suite, as I don't know which products each 2 digit product code represents.
Is this is any of the documentation?
Release : 3.1 and 3.2
Component : CA VM:Secure for z/VM
Here's the link to the LMP product code listing posted on the CA/Broadcom support site;
And, here are the LMP key codes associated with the VM:Manager products:
VM:Account (VMJ) = 0B
VM:Secure (VMX) = 2X
VM:Archiver (VMA) = 22
VM:Spool (VML) = 42
VM:Tape (VMT) = 44
Explore for VM (EXP) = XE
VM:Backup (VMB) = 3P
VM:Batch (VMH) = 3T
VM:Operator (VMY) = Y
VM:Schedule (VMD) = 40