Modify massive Account Template to enable StrongSync
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Modify massive Account Template to enable StrongSync


Article ID: 136407


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


The instruction below explain how to modify All Account Templates from specific Endpoint to StrongSync = true


Identity Manager or Virtual Appliance

12.x, 14.x


- Active Directory etautil -u etaadmin -p <etaadmin's password> masschange 'eTADSPolicyContainerName=Active Directory Policies,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects' eTADSPolicy eTADSPolicyName='*' to eTStrongSync="1" - RACF v2 etautil -u etaadmin -p <etaadmin's password> -DYN masschange 'eTDYNPolicyContainerName=DYN Policies,eTNamespaceName=RACF v2,dc=im,dc=eta' eTDYNPolicy eTDYNPolicyName='*' to eTStrongSync="1" - For Custom Connectors developed by Connector XPress, you can use the RACF v2 sample above, you need to change the value of eTNamespaceName attribute. For example, your Connector XPress name is "XpTO Test" the etautil command will be etautil -u etaadmin -p <etaadmin's password> -DYN masschange 'eTDYNPolicyContainerName=DYN Policies,eTNamespaceName=XpTO Test,dc=im,dc=eta' eTDYNPolicy eTDYNPolicyName='*' to eTStrongSync="1"

Additional Information

The etautil command lines above in one row

Also, if you are trying to run the etautil command from Virtual Appliance, run the command lines below before running the etautil command

From vApp shell

su - imps

cd /opt/CA/IdentityManager/ProvisioningServer/bin

./etautil -u etaadmin ......