How to refresh a Job JCL already loaded in CA7 REQ Queue
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How to refresh a Job JCL already loaded in CA7 REQ Queue


Article ID: 136406


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CA 7 Workload Automation



Sometimes it is necessary to massively update the production Jobs JCLs in the production target libraries, in order to introduce changes or correct problems  but these Jobs are already loaded in the CA 7 REQ Queue with the original JCL content. 

Is there a way to easily update/refresh the  Job JCL present in the CA7 queue's, taking it  from the target libraries where this JCL has been updated?   


Release : all supported releases 

Component : CA-7


This is possible running a BTI with the below input stream (iterated for each Job that needs to be refreshed) :

/LOGON zzzzzz JCL,jobname EXIT QJCL SAVE,nnnn /LOGOFF

The nnnn is the Job Number in the REQQ of the Job which needs to have its JCL replaced.