CA Dispatch / CADDSPLx task high system resource utilization
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CA Dispatch / CADDSPLx task high system resource utilization


Article ID: 136305


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt


We are seeing high memory/storage usage associated to the CA Dispatch/CADDSPLx address spaces.


CA Dispatch r11.6 and r11.7



The fact is, CA Dispatch/CADDSPLx will use as much memory and other resources as the system will allow.

Resource consumption is driven by both the VOLUME of data and the SIZE of the report and MSGCLASS data being processed by Dispatch.


It's actually not uncommon to see high memory/storage usage associated to the CA Dispatch/CADDSPLx address spaces. The high memory usage is because of the DIV (Data in Virtual) technology that CA Dispatch uses to process reports and communicate with the CADDSPLx address space. Real frames of memory are constantly being paged in and out so that CA Dispatch can not only process the reports but also so that the data associated to the reports can be made available for viewing by the users.

What's IMPORTANT to keep in mind is that the PAGES of memory associated to the Dispatch/CADDSPLx address spaces are all "available for stealing", if WLM determines that any of the other applications running on the system NEEDS these frames of storage. WLM will distribute the appropriate resources to all of the other applications as needed, and you should not see any performance degradation in any of the other applications because of CA Dispatch/CADDSPLx memory usage.

There's really no parameter or setting on the CA Dispatch side of things that could be used to curb resource utilization.

If you are not comfortable seeing so much memory associated to the Dispatch/CADDSPLx address space, consider RECYCLING both the CA Dispatch and CADDSPLx address spaces more frequently. Recycling the tasks will cause the operating system to free up the storage. And remember that in the mean time, the storage is available to your other applications if WLM determines that they need it.

Additional Information

Customers should know that use of the INTERCEPT function on output from long running STC's, long running Applications or long running batch jobs (i.e. Active for several days or more) has a direct impact on the resources and amount of central storage that your CADZSPLx task is going to use. Given any concerns regarding resource utilization, we would HIGHLY RECOMMEND that output from the these types of long running applications be diverted to the JES output queue. Once in JES, it can then be processed into the LDS files via your CADZSAPx (SAPIRPIx) tasks.