z/OSMF IZUGCSEC zOS Operator Consoles
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z/OSMF IZUGCSEC zOS Operator Consoles


Article ID: 136243


Updated On:


Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


Can you please translate the enclosed documents to CA-TSS?


Release : 16.0

Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS


//IZUGCSEC JOB MSGCLASS=C,MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                                        

//STEP1  EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=99                                          

//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          

//SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=*                                                          

//SYSTSIN  DD *                                                                 



 /* This sample JCL intends to help with security setup required  */            

 /* per user of z/OSMF "zOS Operator Consoles" task.              */            

 /*                                                               */            

 /* It consists of two parts:                                     */            

 /* The first part is required only once per user.                */            

 /* The second part is required for every console user wants to   */            

 /* use in "zOS Operator Consoles" task. Since user might usually */            

 /* use one console to monitor one system in "zOS Operator        */            

 /* Consoles" task, it's usual that the second part needs to be   */            

 /* copied and pasted several times for several systems user wants*/            

 /* to work with in "zOS Operator Consoles" tasks.                */            

 /*                                                               */            

 /* If user has ever executed this JCL before and wants to setup  */            

 /* console for some added system now, user can comment the first */            

 /* part of configuration and only execute the second part of     */            

 /* configuration for sepcific system.                            */            




 /* This is the first part of this JCL.                           */            

 /*                                                               */            

 /* This part of JCL is only required once per user. If it has    */            

 /* already been performed for a specific user, it could be       */            

 /* commented to allow user only perform the 2nd part of this JCL.*/            

 /*                                                               */            

 /* Please be noticed that there are some variables need to be    */            

 /* substitued with the value you want to use in below commands.  */            

 /* Those commands are commented by default. You need to replace  */            

 /* those variables and uncomment corresponding commands.         */            



 /* Allows the user to use TSO account which is setup in z/OSMF   */            

 /* parmlib option COMMON_TSO ACCT?                               */            


TSOACCT is in Top Secret.

TSS ADD(owingacid) TSOACC(xxxxxx)




    RESOURCE CODE = X'087'





 /* 1. Please replace <account> with the value specified in zOSMF */            

 /* parmlib option "COMMON_TSO ACCT".                             */            

 /* 2. Please replace <userid> with the target user id.           */            

 /* 3. Uncomment below commands.                                  */            


 /*RDEFINE ACCTNUM <account> UACC(NONE)                           */            

 /*PERMIT <account> CLASS(ACCTNUM) ACCESS(read) ID(<userid>)      */            


TSS PER(userid) TSOACCT(xxxxxxxx)


 /* Allows the user to use TSO proc which is setup in z/OSMF      */            

 /* parmlib option COMMON_TSO PROC?                               */            


TSS ADD(owningacid) TSOPROC(logonprc)                                                 


 /* 1. Please replace <proc> with the value specified in zOSMF    */            

 /* parmlib option "COMMON_TSO PROC".                             */            

 /* 2. Please replace <userid> with the target user id.           */            

 /* 3. Uncomment below commands.                                  */            


 /*RDEFINE TSOPROC <proc> UACC(NONE)                              */            

 /*PERMIT <proc> CLASS(TSOPROC) ACCESS(read) ID(<userid>)         */            


TSS PER(userid) TSOPROC(logonprc)                                        


 /* Allows the user to use CEA to create TSO address space.       */            

 SETROPTS CLASSACT (SERVAUTH)                                                   


TSS ADD(owningacid) SERVAUTH(CEA.)



 /* 1. Please replace <userid> with the target user id.         */              

 /* 2. Uncomment below commands.                                  */            



 /*           ID(<userid>)                                        */            


TSS PER(userid) SERVAUTH(CEA.CEATSO.TSOREQUEST) ACC(READ)                                          


 /* Allows the user to create an EMCS console through TSO Console */            

 /* command.                                                      */            

 SETROPTS CLASSACT(TSOAUTH)                                                     


cmd to grant Console authority




 /* 1. Please replace <userid> with the target user id.           */            

 /* 2. Uncomment below commands.                                  */            


 /*PERMIT console CLASS(TSOAUTH) ACCESS(read) ID(<userid>)        */            

 SETROPTS RACLIST(TSOAUTH) REFRESH                                              



The acid needs at least 1 TSO field (ie TSOLPROC) added to it for the

TSOAUTH(CONSOLE) permit to work.



 /* END of the first part of this JCL.                            */            




 /* This is the second part of this JCL.                           */           

 /*                                                                */           

 /* This part is required per EMSC console. Therefore, if user     */           

 /* wants to complete setup for multiple consoles at a time, the   */           

 /* below commands might be copied multiple times.                 */           

 /*                                                                */           

 /* Please be noticed that there are some variables in below       */           

 /* commands need to be substitued with the value you want to use. */           

 /* Those commands are commented by default. You need to replace   */           

 /* those variables and uncomment corresponding commands. Those    */           

 /* variables are:                                                 */           

 /* 1. <consolename> which is the EMCS console name user is going  */           

 /*    to use. z/OS Operator Consoles task provides UI to allow    */           

 /*    user know the default EMCS console generated by z/OS        */           

 /*    Operator Consoles task. User could open the UI by selecting */           

 /*    one or multiple systems on the landing page of z/OS Operator*/           

 /*    Consoles task, then right click, select Complete Setup menu,*/           

 /*    a dialog will be popped up and show you the default EMCS    */           

 /*    console name you could use. You can also use your own EMCS  */           

 /*    console name in this JCL. But you need to update it when you*/           

 /*    Complete Setup in z/OS Operator Consoles task UI            */           

 /* 2. <userid> which is the target user id.                       */           

 /* 3. <sysname> is the system name which is displayed in the      */           

 /* landing page of z/OS Operator Consoles task. If user is setup  */           

 /* local sysplex, user needs to replace "sysname" with "*all".    */           



 /* Allows the user to create EMCS console with the specified name */           

 SETROPTS CLASSACT(opercmds)                                                    


 /* Below commands can be added multiple times to authorize        */           

 /* multiple EMCS consoles at a time. You just need to update the  */           

 /* <consolename> and <userid> in each individual line.            */           

 /* 1. Please replace <userid> with the target user id.          */             

 /* 2. Please replace <consolename> with the EMCS console name to  */           

 /* be used.                                                       */           

 /* 3. Uncomment below commands.                                   */           


 /*RDEFINE OPERCMDS mvs.mcsoper.<consolename> UACC(NONE)           */           

 /*PERMIT mvs.mcsoper.<consolename> CLASS(OPERCMDS) ACCESS(read) +*/            

 /*    ID(<userid>)      

TSS ADD(owningacid) OPERCMDS(MVS.)

TSS PER(userid) OPERCMDS(MVS.MCSOPER.<consolename>) ACC(READ)                                         */           


 /* Allows the created EMCS console to deliver a system specific   */           

 /* view through <sysname>.                                        */           


 /* Below ADDUSER command can be added multiple times to setup     */           

 /* multiple EMCS consoles at a time. You just need to update the  */           

 /* <consolename> and <sysname> in each individual line.           */           

 /* 1. Please replace <consolename> with the EMCS console name to  */           

 /* be used.                                                       */           

 /* 2. Please replace <sysname> with the system name which is      */           

 /* displayed in the landing page of z/OS Operator Consoles task.  */           

 /* If you are setup local sysplex, you need to replace <sysname>  */           

 /* with "*all".                                                   */           


 /*ADDUSER <consolename> OPERPARM(AUTH(master) ROUTCODE(all) +*/                

 /*     MSCOPE(<sysname>))                                         */           


 /* Allows user to route command to remote system with name        */           

 /* <sysname>.                                                     */           

 /*RDEFINE OPERCMDS MVS.ROUTE.CMD.<sysname> UACC(NONE)             */           

 /*PERMIT MVS.ROUTE.CMD.<sysname> CLASS(OPERCMDS) ACCESS(read) +*/              

 /*    ID(<userid>)                                                */           



 /* Allows user to retrieve SYSLOG for specific system with name   */           

 /* <sysname>.                                                     */           

 /*RDEFINE JESSPOOL <sysname>.+MASTER+.SYSLOG.*.* UACC(NONE)       */           

 /*PERMIT <sysname>.+MASTER+.SYSLOG.*.* CLASS(JESSPOOL)+*/                      

 /*     ID(<userid>) ACCESS(READ)   

TSS ADD(owningacid) JESSPOOL(nodename.)

TSS PER(userid) JESSPOOL(nodename.+MASTER+.SYSLOG.*.*) ACCESS(READ)                               */           


 /* Allows user to retrieve OPERLOG                                */           

 /*PERMIT SYSPLEX.OPERLOG CLASS(LOGSTRM)+*/                                     

 /*     ID(<userid>) ACCESS(READ)                                  */           


 SETROPTS RACLIST(LOGSTRM) REFRESH                                              

 SETROPTS RACLIST(JESSPOOL) REFRESH                                             

 SETROPTS RACLIST(opercmds) REFRESH                                             


 /* END of the second part of this JCL.                            */           


