Identifying the library members affected by the execution of an Endevor package.
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Identifying the library members affected by the execution of an Endevor package.


Article ID: 136184


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


In some cases it might be needed to know what library members have been updated by the execution of a package. 

Package detail report 72 and the CSV package action report do not provide this information. 


Release : 18.0 and higher

Component : Endevor Software Change Manager


This information is kept  by Endevor in the form of 'package backout' records, which are stored in the package file.. These records (as well as the backout members in the library) are created during package execution when the package was created with backout enabled.

Note that the capture of backout information may be disabled for a particular processor DD statement by specifying BACKOUT=N.

The backout records for a package can be viewed from the 'package display' panel using options "B  - Display Data Set Backout Info" and "BU - Display USS Backout Information".

Undocumented option BX displays the backout information in extended form which is more useful to determine the updates performed by the package. It show the same information as option B with an additional line for each member showing:

  • New member name. This field is blank if the package deleted the member
  • Backout member name. This field is blank if the package created the member

It is also possible to extract this information by a program calling the 'LIST PACKAGE BACKOUT' function of the Endevor API, using copybooks ENHALBKO (assembler) or ECHALBKO (cobol).

Note that the logic to call the Endevor API is rather simple. The program specifies the query in the 'request structure', a ddname in the 'control structure' and calls the API stub ENA$NDVR. In response, the API writes the result to the specified ddname. Then the program (or a subsequent program) may open the ddname and process the records returned by the API which are mapped by the 'response structure'. Endevor provides several examples of programs calling the API.