Send ems events to nas as an alarms
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Send ems events to nas as an alarms


Article ID: 136164


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Is it possible to send an ems event to nas as an alarm?


Release : UIM 20.4.x

Component : UIM NAS / EMS




Yes, you can send an ems event to nas as an alarm.

ems (Event Management Service)


Check out this section of the doc:

When using CA UIM with ems, the Alarm Routing Service is responsible for routing legacy alarm messages to ems, nas, or both. When the legacy alarm messages reach ems, a legacy alarm manager within ems converts the nas legacy alarms into events. The converted events are then sent to the event manager contained within the ems probe. The event manager processes the events and performs any necessary event enrichment. If event rules indicate that an event results in an alarm, the event manager sends the enriched event to the ems alarm manager. The ems events are stored locally in .csv files. If you are using ems version 9.00 or later, open ems events are also optionally stored in the UIM database.



ems Event Handling and EMMessage Structure


Creating Event and Alarm Rules with the XML Rule Catalogs



The Event Rule Catalog:

The Event Rule Catalog (EventRule.xml) defines the rules for event processing in ems. CA provides a default event rule catalog with a set of standard event rules. To create new rules, or override the default rules, you can edit the custom Event Rule catalog.


The Alarm Rule Catalog:

The Alarm Rule Catalog (AlarmRule.xml) is the alarm-based counterpart of the Event Rule Catalog. Once you have established which events generate alarms, you can create custom alarm rules. Alarm rules manage the lifecycle of ems alarms.





The EventRuleActionBaseScript class contains additional methods to control event behavior.


Sends an event to the ems alarm manager. The alarm manager then determines whether or not to create an alarm based on any available alarm rules.


public void forwardToAlarmManager()

 throws com.nimsoft.nimbus.NimException