Jobs Using America/Santiago TZ Running 1 Hour Off
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Jobs Using America/Santiago TZ Running 1 Hour Off


Article ID: 136146


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


Jobs that have their timezone attribute set to America/Santiago started running one hour off after 8/10/2019.


Release: ALL

Component: Scheduler


There was a change this year to the DST rules for the America/Santiago timezone. Prior to this year, that zone entered DST the second weekend of August and exited DST the second weekend of May. Starting this year, the zone enters DST the second weekend of September and exits the first weekend of April. The AutoSys timezone configuration has not been updated to reflect this change, thus causing jobs that use that timezone to start running off by one hour after the old DST entry date.


Perform the following steps to resolve this issue...

01. Change the timezone value in the database by executing below query. If running dual databases, run the query in both.

update ujo_timezones set zone='CLT4CLST,M9.1.6/23:59:59,M4.1.6/23:59:59' where name='America/Santiago';

02. For Schedulers running on Windows,  change Santiago values as shown below in file: %AUTOSYS%\Win4TimezonesNewDSTRule.cfg




"Pacific SA Standard Time"

0, 4, 6, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999


"Pacific SA Daylight Time"

0, 9, 6, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999



03. Restart the Scheduler and Application Server.

04. After the change is made, you must force the Scheduler to re-evaluate the next start time for any job that uses this timezone. To do this, build a list of jobs using the zone and then issue each of them an update_job: in jil. It is not necessary to actually change any job attribute. A simple update_job is sufficient. For example, if you wanted to do it for a single job called JOBA, you would run jil and enter the following...

1>update_job: JOBA


It is also ok to create a file containing 'update_job: <job_name>' for each impacted job, each on their own line. You can then feed that file as standard input to jil...

jil < <job_list_file>

This will perform the action for all jobs at once.