SO09453 HOLDDATA Clarification
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SO09453 HOLDDATA Clarification


Article ID: 136134


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IDMS IDMS - Database


When applying SO07191, problems will be encountered if z/OS support for MQ is not installed.
This is documented in Product Error Alert SI09016.
The solution is SO09453.
This article clarifies some points made in the HOLDDATA of SO09453.


Release : 19.0
Component : CA IDMS


This article is an attempt to clarify some of the points in the HOLDDATA of SO09453.

First, KD 133519 should be consulted for the history behind the SCSQLOAD DDDEF up to and including the publication of APAR SO07191.
Within the HOLDDATA of SO09453, any reference to ST07191 should say SO07191. Also CUSTLIB should be CUSTOM.LOADLIB.

The HOLDDATA first says that SCSQLOAD should be added and then says to delete it.
Note that the text saying that SCSQLOAD must be added indicates that this must be done in order for SO07191 to be applied, not SO09453.
SO07191 is a pre-requisite to SO09453, so the SCSQLOAD related instruction is copied directly from SO07191.
The SCSQLOAD DDDEF can be deleted even before applying SO09453.

Why do we supply the CSQBSTUB stub for non-MQ users as source in the HOLDDATA and not as an SMP/E controlled object module?
This is due to some limitations in SMP/E, basically related to the fact that SO07191 affects two FMIDs.

What are the maintenance implications of linking CSQBSTUB with RHDCD1MQ?
In theory, changes to either the IDMS-related MQ modules or the IBM supplied CSQBSTUB may necessitate re-running the link.
In practice, this will only be necessary if IBM were to add new functions to MQ, and IDMS were enhanced to support those new functions.

Reference to needing CUSTOM.LOADLIB and CAGJLOAD.
The main point in documenting that CUSTOM.LOADLIB would also be needed in any JCL ddname which includes CAGJLOAD, is to highlight that CUSTOM.LOADLIB must come first.

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MQ Adapter